Privacy statement

Privacy statement

IDD Parts - Privacy kennisgeving
rev. 20180608

Your personal details

On this page you can find IDD Parts BV’s privacy statement.

This privacy statement applies to all services we offer you (e.g. via the website.

IDD Parts is concerned about protecting your personal details. In this privacy statement, the following aspects are described:

  • The types of personal details which we collect about you, - How and why we use this information,
  • Who we share this information with and why,
  • How long we keep this information for,
  • How we protect your details,
  • Your rights, including how you can contact us with any additional questions about how your personal details are processed,
  • How we will apply any updates to this statement.

IDD Parts BV, registered in Barneveld under number 08217619, contactable via +31 (0)342 490990 is in its “data controller and processor” roles responsible for processing your personal details in the sense of the Dutch General Data Protection law (known as ‘Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming’ or ‘AVG’).

You can also find us via the following social media channels:

Which personal details do we collect?
We collect and save:

  • Your name, address, email and/or telephone number, which you provide to receive information from us: when you request information from us,
  • When you place an order with us: Your contract and delivery information and other information which might be needed to check and deliver your order. This also includes the payment details, which you supply to us. We use this financial information to be able to invoice the order to you,
  • If you deliver a service or product to us (suppliers): Your contract and order confirmation information and other information which may be needed to check and process the order we have placed with you. This also includes any payment details which you supply to be able to invoice us.
  • Where and how you surf on the site, such as the pages you visit and the time you spend on each page: if you visit our digital services and websites(s).

Use of your personal details
We base our data processing on the following legal grounds.

In relation to the use of the website and our digital services:


Why are we processing your personal data?

What are the legal grounds for such processing?

To provide you with the information which you have requested.

Legitimate interest

We would like to help you. To do that we need your contact details. That’s why we have a legitimate interest in processing this data.

To set up and manage your account, by sending you, for example, password reminders or notifications about changes to your account details.

Legitimate interest

If you would like to place an order with us, you will need an online account. You then won’t need to enter your details again with a subsequent order. We do need your details to be able to offer you this service. We have a legitimate interest in processing these details to be able to offer you an optimum service in this way. 

To be able to deliver your order if you have made a purchase via this digital service, to contact you about sales and as part of our client relationship procedures.

Carrying out an agreement

Use of your personal details is required in this case so that we can meet our contractual obligations towards you.

To keep your payments safe and guarantee the security of our website.

Legitimate interest

We want to provide our customers with a secure environment for payments. We have a legitimate interest in processing personal details to protect our customers’ payments, prevent fraud and protect our digital services from cyber-attacks. 

To perform statistical analyses about the use of the website to gain more insight into how our website is being used and to make improvements to it.

Legitimate interest

We have a legitimate interest to look at this information to gain insight into how our website is being used, so we can manage and improve it. As no sensitive personal data is being processed and the processing itself is limited, we have concluded that our legitimate interest in being able to carry out improvements and analyses takes precedence over your privacy concerns.   



To meet legal requirements which we are subject to, such as fiscal or financial taxation demands.

Legal requirements

Usage of your personal details in this way is needed for us to be able to meet our legal requirements.

To communicate with you about relevant solutions, products and services, which may be of interest to you, in accordance with your marketing preferences.

Legitimate interest/permission

We have a legitimate interest in keeping our regular customers up to date with our services. What if you are not yet one of our customers? Then we would only process your details in this way, if you have given us permission to do so. You can choose to withdraw your permission at any time, by sending a request to  




In relation to our customers

Why are we processing your personal details?

What are the legal grounds for such processing?

To be able to send your proposals based on your enquiry.

Carrying out an agreement

You can request a proposal from us. We’ll need your details to be able to send you this proposal. Processing your details is required in this case to be able to establish an agreement. 

To communicate about your wishes and specification about one of our products and/or services.

Carrying out an agreement

We want to help you if you have any questions about your order or our products. To be able to answer your questions, we need your details. This processing is also needed to establish an (intended) agreement.  

To be able to send invoices.

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal details are used to ensure that invoices are sent correctly.

To communicate about implementation aspects of the agreement (such as order details, delivery, quality, assembly, maintenance, complaints, etcetera).

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal details are used to be able to communicate with the correct people, so that the agreement can be managed efficiently.

To send your communication about relevant solutions, products and services which are related to the contents of this agreement.

Legitimate interest

We want to offer you the most optimum, personal service. That’s why we need your details. We have a legitimate interest to process your details in this respect.

In relations to our suppliers:

Why are we processing your personal details?

What are the legal grounds for such processing?

To be able to contact you so that we can let you know which specifications or wishes a certain item or service needs to meet as far as we are concerned.

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal details are used to be able to contact your so that we can explain our request. Processing your details is required to be able to establish an agreement.

To be able to send you a request for proposal.

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal details are used to be able to contact you so that we can send you a request for proposal. Processing your details is required to be able to establish an agreement.

To be able to place an order with you.

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal details are used to be able to place an order with the correct person.

To be able to pay your invoices.

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal (payment) details are used to be able to carry out invoice payments.

To be able to communicate with you about implementation aspects of the agreement (such as order details, delivery, quality, any complaints, etcetera).

Carrying out an agreement

Your personal details are used to be able to contact you with any questions or issues within the scope of the agreement.


Transferring your personal details

We will only transfer your details to a third party, if this is necessary for our service provision or if we are legally obliged to do so. We may transfer your details to the following parties:

  • Other companies in the IDD Parts,
  • Third parties who supply services in relation to our digital services or functions, but only to the extent that this is necessary to supply these services. For example: our digital marketing agency, our hosting supplier, our customer service teams or the developers of this digital service.
  • Third parties such as suppliers and subcontractors, but only to the extent in which it is necessary to be able to carry out our products and services within the scope of our agreement. For example: suppliers such as haulage companies or installation and maintenance companies who function as subcontractors.
  • Government bodies, if we are legally obliged to do so.
  • A buyer or potential future buyer of our company.
  • Some recipients are outside the countries in the EU/European Economic Area (EEA).

As these countries have, in some cases, a lower level of protection than within the EU/EEA, we make use of standard contract clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure a sufficient level of protection to your personal details when transferring details to countries outside the EU/EEA. You can find these standard contract clauses via the following link:

We have made provisions to protect all personal details which are transferred to a third party or to other countries, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and as stated above.

How long do we keep your personal details?           

We keep personal details as long as is necessary to meet the aim for which they have been collected. This means that we delete your personal details when such details are no longer needed to process a request or order, or to manager your account, your marketing preferences or our relationship. Anonymised statistics may be kept for longer.  

Types of details stored

How long are they kept?

Contact information which you provide us with, such as your name, email address, region/country and company name.

We delete these details after 12 months. These details are also deleted after 3 email bounces.

Your answers to researches which you take part in.

We delete these details 12 months after the end of the research period. Consolidated details can no longer be linked to an individual and are kept for longer.  

Marketing preferences, such as subscribing to or unsubscribing from receiving information about newsletters via email. 

These details are kept by us at all times. We are obliged to respect your preferences. 

Information about our business relationship, such as details in orders and proposals, demands which you require us to meet and delivery information.    

For the duration of the business relationship and up to 18 months after the last contact. Details may be kept for longer if we are legally obliged to do so.

Administrative details (your invoice, payment and ordering details).

We are legally obliged to keep these details about you for 7 years. Your details may be kept in an anonymous form for longer than this.

Customer account.

Inactive customer accounts are deleted after 7 years. Your details may be kept in an anonymous form for longer than this.




How we protect your details

Your privacy is important to us and we ensure that your details are treated confidentially and with the greatest possible care. That’s why we have taken suitable technical and organisational protection measures against loss, theft or other unlawful processing of these details.    

Your rights

You have the right, in relation to the personal details which we keep about you, to:

  • Request a copy of your personal details in our files. This is free of charge,
  •  Request that we correct or delete your personal details (this means however that we will be unable to carry out any more requests or orders for you, or that your account will expire), 
  • Ask us to stop processing your personal details (for example, regarding the use of details to improve our website) or to limit how we process them (for example, if you think that the details are incorrect),
  • Request the personal details used to provide your requested information to you, process an order or to maintain your account or our relationship, in a layout legible by a machine and which you may transfer to another data controller,
  • Withdraw your permission for us to process your details for marketing purposes at any time. 

Requests to exercise your rights should be directed to “Maeike Blauw Data Protection Manager”, Marchandweg 23, 3771 ML Barneveld, The Netherlands or to We request you send a copy of your identity documents on which your fiscal number (BSN) and passport photo have been made unrecognizable, so we can verify your identity. Please be aware: your fiscal number (BSN) is shown at various points in your identification documents.    

If you have a complaint regarding our processing of your personal details, then you have the right to notify this to the Dutch Data Protection Agency (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens or AP), located on the Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, in the Hague, The Netherlands. You can find the contact details for the authority via the following link:   

Changes to this privacy statement

We may update this privacy statement from time to time, in reaction to changing legal, regulatory or operational demands. We will inform users about any such changes (including when they will come into effect). The most recent version of our privacy statement is available on our website. We would therefore advise you to check this page regularly.  

Continuing to make use of our digital service following such an update coming into effect, will be seen as acceptance of any such changes. If you don’t accept the updates to our privacy statement, you will have to stop using this digital service/we will no longer be able to offer you this digital service.